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Cairns Museum

The Cairns Museum, situated in City Place at the intersection of Lake and Shields Streets, contains a number of exhibitions mainly focusing upon local history.

The museum is housed in the upstairs section of the old School of Arts building.  The School of Arts was opened in 1907, and the building is an excellent example of the elegant and functional design that was favoured during the early development of Cairns and other North Queensland centres.  High ceilings and wide, open verandahs were the most practical and most prefered style for the Cairns area's warm, tropical summers.

The Cairns Museum was opened to the public in June, 1980, and is operated on a voluntary basis by enthusiastic members of the Cairns Historical Society.  The museum receives no operational support from the Government and is dependent upon a small entry fee, as well as donations from the Cairns public and business sector, to help in the running costs.

Any sightseer, even remotely interested in the history of Cairns, will not be disappointed with a visit to the Museum which has a number of comprehensive collections themed around various topics relevant to its fascinating and exciting past.

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