Limestone Caves

Limestone Caves

A trip to Chillagoe must include a visit to at least one of its numerous limestone caves, which were highly enough valued as early as 1891 to cause a permanent preservation order to be issued by the then Minister for Mines, ensuring their exclusion from mining leases as far as possible.

This far-sighted action has secured a magnificent heritage for residents and visitors to the area.

The caves are home to bats, including the Bent Wing Bat, the Little Bat, the Sheath-tailed Bat, the Eastern Horseshoe Bat and the Diadem Bat.

During nesting the caves also house the Grey Swiftlet Bird, which like the bat, uses echolocation to navigate the dark caves.

To many visitors the most fascinating feature of the caves are the spectacular stalagmites and stalactites which can be seen mainly in the guided caves. Some of the caves also contain Aboriginal art.

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