The Queensland National Bank building
was constructed in 1891 and was sold to the Bank of New South Wales
in 1935 for the sum of £500 ($1000).
The building operated as the Bank of New South Wales until 1980
when it became Westpac. Westpac sold the building in 2000 and
opened a branch at the Post Office across the road.
Today, the old bank building, with its beautifully polished Red
Cedar counters, displays a collection of amazing historical photos
which give a good depiction of life in pioneering Cooktown. The
photos were produced from old glass plate negatives which had been
stored in the James Cook Museum, their significance and true value
apparently unappreciated for some time.
Enquiries about the plates established that nobody knew who the
plates originally belonged to, but that they were found by someone
who was rummaging through the local dump who gave them to the
Remarkably, since the photos have been developed and put on
display, a number of people depicted in the photographs have been