Located not far from where Captain Cook beached
the Endeavour is Cooktown's main wharf.
Rarely would anyone visit Cooktown without taking the opportunity
to also visit this picturesque location. Particularly in the
early morning when the rising sun begins to cast its light upon the
grassy slopes of Mount Saunders on the opposite shore, or in the
late evening when the setting sun also plays its magic with shades
of red, blue and grey upon the waters of the Endeavour River, the
waterfront is a place not to be missed.
Steeped in history, the wharf area is also the haunt of many
hopeful fishermen and women where the famous Barramundi can be
caught in season.
During the winter months, dense shoals of baitfish, such as Pike
and Herring, use the wharf pylons for protection from the marauding
mackerel and barracuda patrolling the deeper water nearby.
