Nested in the
tropical jungle, on top of Macalister Range which forms part of
the spectacular mountainous backdrop to Cairns, is the
internationally recognised village of Kuranda, a relaxed
community with a permanent population of approximately 700
Kuranda's colonial history began in the 1870s with the
explorers who searched for a suitable track from the
goldfields, west of Cairns, to the shores of Trinity Bay.
With the collapse of the mining and timber industries, Kuranda
became little more than a sleepy village in the rainforest.
However, with the arrival of the tourist boom in the 1970s and
1980s, and the mounting interest in the World Heritage listed
Wet Tropics Rainforest areas, Kuranda has become an
internationally recognised tourist destination and now attracts
hundreds of thousands of visitors to the village
Today, Kuranda is reaping the benefits from its own unique
rainforest attractions which compliment the Great Barrier Reef
and the flourishing tourism infrastructure already in place in
nearby Cairns.
For the visitor to the
Cairns district, there are numerous opportunities to visit this tropical
paradise and it is an
attraction well worth adding to the holiday

Phone: +61 7 4093 9311
