and secluded between two rocky headlands which separate it from
Half Moon Bay in the south and Kewarra Beach in the north, is
the picturesque and popular Trinity Beach.
Trinity Beach is so named because of its association with
Trinity Bay, the name Captain James Cook gave to this part of
the Australian coastline when he sailed past on Trinity Sunday,
in June 1770. In his journal for Sunday, 10 June 1770,
Cook wrote, "The shore between Cape Grafton and the above
northern point forms a large but not very deep Bay which I
named Trinity Bay after the day on which it was
Trinity Beach, the fourth such beach community along the Marlin
Coast north of Cairns, is essentially a residential community
of around 4000 in population, having always been a favourite
swimming and picnic location for residents in the Cairns
Consequently, it has a well established and varied support
infrastructure such as take-away shops, restaurants, and small
shopping centres, including a supermarket which carries most of
the essentials.
Like some of the other beach communities along the Marlin
Coast, however, it is quickly becoming known nationally and
internationally as a peaceful and relaxing holiday
destination. An increasing number of holiday resorts,
apartment style accommodation places and caravan parks, as well
as restaurants and cafes, now cater to the growing tourist